Highly optimized polystyrene macroporous resins that provide the highest possible performance in nuclear applications.
The Chemical and Volume Control System (CVCS) is an auxiliary support system that serves to clean a portion of the Reactor Coolant System (RCS), maintain the correct concentration of boron, and adjust the volume of RCS inventory as needed to maintain the operating level in the pressurizer. It includes an ion exchange deep bed system to control pH, remove contaminating ions and radionuclides, and reduce boron concentration when needed. Mixed beds are normally used; some plants also employ a cation or anion exchange resin bed. High-quality Nuclear Grade Gravex® resins have been used for more than 25 years in each bed location. Gravex resins are recognized as very high quality, exceeding nuclear grade specifications. Our commitment to product development has led to innovative products beneficial to plant operations.
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