Graver Technologies engineers critical components in pre-coat systems designed to provide revolutionary features and benefits in easy-to-use formulations.
Electric generating station condensate must be maintained at a very high purity level to protect boilers, steam generators, reactors, and turbines from corrosion. To remove contaminants from the condensate, deep bed ion exchange condensate polishers are used and sometimes preceded by a Powdex® filter demineralized or a fine particulate filtration system. A Powdex system can also stand alone as the primary polisher. Graver Technologies is the most experienced and knowledgeable Ion Exchange product and Filter Septum manufacturer and offers the most complete range of products to meet today’s challenges. Whether the need is for high purity Gravex® condensate polishing ion exchange resins; the original Aegis® wound, DualGuard® or AFA® pleated filter septa; or the Powdex & Ecodex® families of premium resins, the original and most widely used powdered ion exchange resins, Graver Technologies has the answer for your application.
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