Co-Occurring Contaminants: Arsenic and Uranium in Drinking Water
This case study addresses the challenges of co-occurring contaminants, arsenic and uranium, in drinking water systems, particularly affecting small water systems across the United States.
Many small drinking water systems in the United States rely on groundwater, facing challenges due to changes in EPA regulations regarding contaminants like Arsenic and Uranium. Treatment options include adsorption, lime-softening, ion exchange, reverse osmosis, and coagulation/filtration, with adsorption being recognized as the most feasible for small systems. A study in northern Arizona showed that Nano-Titanium Oxide effectively removed Arsenic and Uranium from water, suggesting its potential as a cost-effective treatment solution for small water systems with limited resources. Adsorbent technologies can address co-occurring contaminant challenges and should be further explored for their efficiency and ease of operation.
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